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Abilities Overview

Each class has its own unique set of abilities that are stylistically and thematically tied to its play style.

Each character has a starting ability and additional abilities are unlocked when reaching certain levels, i.e., the second ability per character class is automatically unlocked at level 5.

Current Abilities (*note- the game is in Alpha so many more will be added)

Bladesworn abilities:


Ability Level Obtained What does it do?
Brutal Swing 1 Deals additional damage and has a chance of stunning the enemy.
Guardian Stance 5 Decreases incoming damage for 45 seconds.

Ethermancer abilities:


Ability Level Obtained What does it do?
Ethereal Pulse 1 Deals enhanced damage to a single target.
Mystic Resonance 5 Temporarily increases offensive spellcasting ability.

Rogue abilities:


Ability Level Obtained What does it do?
Shadow Strike 1 Has a chance of dealing critical damage to a single target.
Crimson Cut 5 Causes a bleed/DoT on the enemy for a few turns.

Divinist abilities:


Ability Level Obtained What does it do?
Divine Light 1 Heals target for 25% of health.
n/a - under consideration - have any ideas? Let us know! 5 n/a
